Jun 25, · It can be confusing for students, letter writers and essayists. Before you get mired in the many ways that the letter S plays in making things possessive, plural or possessive plural, there are a few things to understand about the 19th letter of the alphabet. It's clearly a confusing grammar rule May 28, · Write out contractions. Write out contractions wherever possible to increase the length of your essay. For instance, instead of using “it’s,” write, “it is," or instead of using "can't," write, "cannot." It will also make your essay appear more formal Most college essays should be written in formal English suitable for an academic situation. Follow these principles to be sure that your word choice is appropriate. For more information about word choice, see Chapter 4 “Working with Words: Which Word Is Right?”. Avoid slang. Find alternatives to
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To be possessive or not to be possessive, that's ultimately the question when dealing with whether to latch an apostrophe onto an s in the front or back of the squiggly letter. Companies enjoy feedback and instructors tend to request essays in classes, so it's best to have a good grasp on contractions in college essays grammar rule.
The apostrophe is placed behind the letter s when you're showing ownership. The singular noun neighbor is aching for an apostrophe s.
When a common noun already ends in the letter s, an apostrophe quickly shows the reader that you're using the possessive form. This makes the sentence easier to read and less confusing. Some editors or instructors may require no additional s when the proper noun already ends in an s, such as Jones or Texas.
The family name and state name both end in s, so the apostrophes sit on the outside of each s. Nouns that form their plurals by tacking on either the letter s or letters es are called regular nouns. If the regular noun ends in an s, it requires a different way to make it plural, contractions in college essays. For example, axis becomes contractions in college essays and patch becomes patches. The es is added when the singular noun ends in s or a double s, the letter x, a ch ending or sh ending.
When you join two words together, the apostrophe comes into play. She graduated with a B. in Journalism from UNLV. Her full bio and clips can be seen at www.
Regardless of how old we are, contractions in college essays, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language.
See disclaimer. How to Use 's and s' Correctly KIMBERLEY MCGEE 25 JUN VOCAB. Explore this article Possessive Reflections Regular Noun Needs Contraction Considerations. Vocabulary Builder. references 1 Daily Writing Tips: The Possessive Apostrophe contractions in college essays GrammarBook.
com: Apostrophes 3 Grammar Girl: Apostrophe Catastrophe Part One. Related Articles. Classroom About Contact Feedback Legal Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Manage Preferences.
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