Different methods of payments Essay. Today, I can use different methods of payments, which are available to me and I can use them as I like. However, I do not use all of them. Instead, I prefer to use my credit card and electronic payments. Rarely, I use cash or checks. In fact, I choose the method of payment or transaction that is the most Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Oct 25, · In this essay I am going to critic, evaluate and analyse direct payments and the implications they have had on social work practice. The Direct Payments Act enabled local authorities to offer cash in lieu of social services. They were introduced for adults of working age in April and extended to include older disabled people in Jan 01, · Foreign direct investment and balance of payments. Info: words (21 pages) Essay Published: 1st Jan in Economics. Reference this Share this: Facebook. Twitter. Reddit. LinkedIn. WhatsApp In the fast, dynamic and continuously changing world, almost every country whether developed or developing, large or small, needs the foreign direct
Different methods of payments Essay
This essay details the impact and success of this strategy so far for both patients and carers, trends in the adoption of personal budget and direct payment method for social support and its take-up according to different client groups.
This essay will also discuss whether the current deadline is realistic and the challenges if any that may impede its achievement. Hire a subject expert to help you with Direct Payment in London.
Direct payments are cash payments offered to service users of community care services for which they have been assessed as requiring. Direct payments are aimed at giving users direct payments essay choice and control in their care. These are available all across UK to all client groups requiring social support including carers, disabled children and people with mental health problems Samuel, Personal budgets involve allocation of sufficient funding to service users following an assessment to meet their assessed requirements.
Service users can either choose to take their personal budget in cash as a direct payment, or leave the responsibility of commissioning the services upon local councils while still deciding for how their care needs are met and by whom Samuel, By providing an alternative to social care services provided by a local council, direct payments and personal budget offer service users with more control over their life, direct payments essay.
It is direct payments essay to increase the independence, social inclusion and self-esteem of service users Department of Health, Several studies have shown that the direct payment and personal budget initiative is delivering positive outcomes for both service users and carers.
The National Personal Budget Survey, which covered more than 2, people, reveals that direct payments and personal budgets are having overall positive impact on the lives of service users and providers.
It concludes that the personal budgets holders are been supported with dignity and respect while being more independent and in control of their support.
As for the other 4 aspects which include getting a paid job, helping local communities, relationships with friends, and choosing where to live, personal budget holders expressed no significant change. These findings are consistent with several other studies regarding the impact of direct payment and personal budgets see Appendix 1.
The survey further revealed that the carers similarly indicated towards a positive impact of personal budgets on the lives of service users and themselves as carers and other family members. However, the carers direct payments essay all negative about the aspects personal budget process and the stress associated with it Hatton and Water, It is widely established that direct payments and personal budgets have traditionally a higher take-up among younger adults — particularly among people with learning or physical disabilities and those with a long standing illness— compared to older people direct payments essay learning disabilities and those with mental health problems and sensory impairment.
see fig 1. These figures highlight concerns that there is still a long way to go to make personal budget work for older people, people with mental health problems; all of which form a group of those with most complex needs. These direct payments essay have been highlighted in a number of studies and reports. see Wood, In the yearof more than?
For as many as 27 councils in England, the practice of personal budget and direct payment extended to almost half of all service users. The aforementioned information indicates that overall, direct payments essay, the personal budget and direct payment scheme has been positively affecting the social care structure of the UK. The impact of this initiative has improved the conditions of the service users and carers to a great direct payments essay. A large segment of the service users welcomes this initiative.
The overall trend in the service sector indicates that personalized budgets and direct payments are the future of the provision of social care services. They are indeed a step towards the evolution of the services and care structure which is more user centered. There is a growing concern regarding the target set by the government of having all council-funded users of current care and support on personal budgets by April that whether it is truly helping achieve actual choice and control for people with the most complex and greatest needs.
The target of has been called into question by the likes of Martin Routledge, who is the program director of Think Local Act Personal, direct payments essay, the sector coalition responsible for implementing the agenda.
Most felt that as they needed to get many more older people included, there would be a high risk of superficial compliance but not a great actual extension of choice and control. Various observers and studies have indicated some of the most important impediments in achieving the deadlines as follows:. Personal Budget and direct payment is now the mainstream method of delivering social care.
By Aprilall the people receiving direct payments essay support are expected to have a personal plan or receive direct payments. Direct payment or personal budgets have delivered much better positive outcomes for various aspects of lives for both users and carers than traditionally arranged services. The number of people acquiring support through personal plan or direct payment is steadily increasing, although some user groups remain low such as old people and those with complex problems.
Despite the increasing prevalence of direct payment and personal budgets, there are several impediments that should be addressed in order to achieve the target. Direct Payment in London. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Dec 10, Accessed July 31, direct payments essay, comDec International trade is the backbone of our modern, commercial world. Producers in various nations try direct payments essay profit from an expanded market, rather than be limited to selling within their own.
Even though there were a few. Types of payment system: They could use Commission: Workers are paid a percentage of the products' sales value this would be suitable as it would motivate staff to sell more.
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Using scholarly resources, describe some specific examples of predatory practices. With housing bubble bursting a few years direct payments essay, many say that the. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Health Disability Direct Payment in London. Table of contents. Related Essays Direct Payment in London Direct Payment in London. Hire writer. Essay type Process. Payment direct payments essay. Request for Payment.
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Different methods of payments Essay. Today, I can use different methods of payments, which are available to me and I can use them as I like. However, I do not use all of them. Instead, I prefer to use my credit card and electronic payments. Rarely, I use cash or checks. In fact, I choose the method of payment or transaction that is the most Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Jan 01, · Foreign direct investment and balance of payments. Info: words (21 pages) Essay Published: 1st Jan in Economics. Reference this Share this: Facebook. Twitter. Reddit. LinkedIn. WhatsApp In the fast, dynamic and continuously changing world, almost every country whether developed or developing, large or small, needs the foreign direct Dec 10, · Direct payment or personal budgets have delivered much better positive outcomes for various aspects of lives for both users and carers than traditionally arranged services. The number of people acquiring support through personal plan or direct payment is steadily increasing, although some user groups remain low such as old people and those with complex problems
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